
Is distilled or Purified water enough$%: Distilled/Purified is water that has virtually all of its impurities as well as minerals and electrolytes stripped through distillation (boiling the water and re-condensing the steam into clean a container), leaving all contaminants behind. Distilled/Purified water is good clean water, unfortunately all the minerals and electrolytes are also all stripped out. Distilled/Purified water tends to be slightly acidic moving your body to a less healthy state. contributing your body to a condition prime for viruses, bacteria, and other menaces.
Dr. John Sorenson, a leading authority on minerals metabolism, said, "Minerals in drinking water are more easily and better absorbed than minerals from food." Creating "healthy water" means removing harmful agents but keeping the beneficial minerals. Mineralize water is needed for all cellular functions and if there are no minerals in drinking water your body will strip the minerals from somewhere else in your body to satisfy its need. While mineral water has many great benefits, not all mineral water are alike or has the same benefits. It's wise to consider before purchasing mineral water is the content of what minerals are available in the drink and it absorbability.


I have found Xooma's Xtreme X2O, an all natural mineral complex, when added to water, transforms water into a powerful body fuel that hydrates, mineralize and revitalize. Each X2O sachet actually makes water "wetter" by lowering the surface tension of the water molecules. This dramatically improves your body hydration at the cellular level. That means when your body gets a drink , your cells get a drink too, which is essential for all cellular metabolic processes. Every X2O sachet contains 947 mg of highly active calcium, 34 mg magnesium, and over 70 naturally occurring Trace minerals. These essential minerals and electrolytes becomes ionic in water allowing them to be absorbed quickly and easily by your body. X2O is the only product of its kind to have a minus ORP rating a huge advantage over other tested products. So what does this minus ORP reading means to you$%: The lower the reading means the higher the absorbabilty and availability to the body.

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