The viral strategy of giving away E-books has been discussed and has become very well known among internet marketers. The problem is that there are still people who do not use this method. There are a few reasons for that though. There are a few details some people can't get passed. I want to clarify some of the problems people have with my own person experience. This will make it easy to learn using a step by step system of creating the E-book, marketing it, and using it to drive traffic to your site.
Producing the E-book
First you have your idea. You take that idea and you find a niche. I started with the general world of internet marketing. Then I went deeper into the field. I decided to write a book about blogging. Then I went into the blogging niche. My E-book was going to be all about driving traffic to websites using blogs. Now that I had that set up, it was time to device that topic into 10 or so subtopics. After I created 10 subtopics, I wrote about each one and that was the end of it.
Certain paragraphs:
So, the book is now written and we have to change it into a format that everyone can read. We will have to covert it into pdf format. To do this, we must use a program. I prefer because it is free and very good. The next thing we have to do is decide whether or not to place a few products in our E-book. If you decide you want to make it more viral by adding a few products that can earn money to the people that give it away, feel free to do so.
Making the E-book rebrandable is another problem people get caught up on. There is software that can rebrand your E-book. Rebranding will allow people to change the affiliate links in your E-book. This will make them want to give your E-book away for you so you gain more traffic. To make your E-book rebrandable, I recommend, viral pdf software. If you are looking for free software, I recommend, pdf995, they have good software too. Since it's free, it has its problems but that is to be expected.
Marketing Your E-book
Creative examples
One way you can market your E-book is to give it away on a website and advertise the site for the fact that they get a free E-book. I recommend that you make a splash page or an entire sales page for the E-book.
In addition, you can make deals with others to give away your E-book on there sites. They would love to give them away. Finding these people is easier then you may think. On the most popular internet marketing forums, you will easily find people more than willing to give away your book for you so they can make some money. Even if you have a niche that is not in internet marketing you will find someone with a site related to your book.
You can also place a link to your free book in you're signature file in the forum. This will drive a good amount of traffic. It always works for me. I float around to about 5 forums and post in all of them on a daily basis. It does not take that much time and I get a good amount of exposure. The best thing to do is find questions that you want people to answer. This will give you the top post in the thread so people will see your advertisement. Be careful not to spam though because you will annoy people.
Driving Traffic To Your Site
Now you have people taking your E-book you are probably getting traffic. This is because you placed tons of links to your site in that book. I suggest you place a link in the footer on every page. Don't think you can create an E-book of low quality and get traffic using it because that is just not true. People have to read it and learn something so they can travel through that link and come to your site. If they don't like what they are reading they will think your site is of low quality and not travel to it.
Earlier, I told you about using a website to give this E-book away. While giving people your E-book, you can also capture your visitors email address. If you use to capture email addresses and create an opt-in email list, you can also send them updates on your latest blog posts. This will bring more traffic to your site. At most, you will get 50% of your list to click on your email and come to read your blog post. That means if you have 2000 people on your list, you can generate 1000 visitors every time you write a blog post. The most important thing is that you keep the blog posts of very high quality.
Now you know how to create an E-book, make it rebrandable, market it and give it away, make other people give it away, drive traffic with this E-book, and create a large list of loyal readers and buyers.
With these secrets you can earn more money than you can imagine. This is what I do and you can do it too.